Connects Story


Deanna Figurito

Choosing to work with DFig Connects is the path less taken that offers new perspectives for people to become their best self. 

Deanna spent 13 years working in NYC where she built a successful career in Advertising Technology, most recently at Pinterest. During this time she mitigated her fast-paced New York lifestyle with travel, meditation, and yoga; passions that turned into entrepreneurship when she opened her first business, Luxury Yoga Retreats in 2018.

On one of her scouting retreats with friends and future business partners, she met her now-husband in Lima, Peru. In 2020, she decided to leave Corporate America to be true to herself and move to Peru to be with her partner. She began the task of pursuing a new career path and took on a healthier, slower-paced lifestyle.

Since March 2020, Deanna has shifted coaching, consulting, and mentoring from a passion to a full time venture with DFig  Connects. She is an authentic connector of humans. She does this with people from all over the world by coaching leaders, consulting brands, advising entrepreneurs, teaching guided meditations, and curating off-the beaten path, transformational retreats all under the DFig Connects umbrella.

Deanna has been to over 40 countries and counting and her goal is to see everything once, then to go back and see it again. Deanna's vast global network and overall desire to make an impact with people all over the world energizes her and is a source of inspiration and motivation for those around her.