Equity Happens One Embrace at a Time.

Our willingness to embrace vulnerability will determine the level of equity we allow.

Women at Work


“Gender equality is not about women, and it is not about men - it is about making workplaces work for everyone. Together, we can fix work, not women.”

— Michelle King


Who do you think you are? Self-Doubt, & Playing Small

Attendees leave with new awareness of the conditioning surrounding their sense of self and a playbook for stamping out self doubt and playing big. Open conversations,, increase confidence, brainstorm and offer accessible solutions.

Women. Our Worth. Our Work. Our Words.

Connect with other women, and learn to use powerful language, and make value driven decisions that set clear boundaries towards equality & allyship. This workshop is sure to foster connections and build camaraderie.

Re-writing the Narrative: Self-Care, Mental Health, & Equitability

Attendees leave with a roadmap to rewrite their own narrative, and are empowered to shift the conversation of equitability in the workplace and at home. Increase awareness of cultural biases, and equip attendees with language surrounding equitability.